There is a lot of work involved with being a Manager. To help ease the tasks involved with running the team, try to have two Managers and a Treasurer.
Managers must complete the Ringette Manitoba requirements as identified on their website.
** Note: Final deadline for Coaching Certification, Bench Staff Code of Conduct, Child Abuse Registry, Managers Certification Program, Respect in Sport (RiS) is mid-January. Also the deadline for additions and deletions to Ringette Manitoba player registration forms is due mid-January. Anyone not on the roster will not be covered by insurance.
Open up a team bank account. If you open up a “Community Builders” account at the Assiniboine Credit Union, supposedly there are no fees.
Contact SJRA Treasurer at for a letter that gives you authorization to open a bank account in the name of your team. Signers are responsible for administering finances for the team and signing authority for the account.
Some banks also need minutes from a meeting. If your Coach holds a meeting with parents, take notes and use those as your minutes.
Create a budget for your team to determine the dues each player will need to pay. Some considerations for expenses are practice ice, tournament fees and name bars.
Ask for $200 from each player’s parent right away to pay for tournaments.
Discuss with the Coach what tournaments your team would like to enter. Tournament information can be found on the Winnipeg Ringette League or Ringette Manitoba websites. Tournaments book up very quickly so it is important to register early.
Once you have registered for a tournament, you’ll have to opt out of league games so the league doesn’t schedule a league game while your team is playing in a tournament. Each team is permitted to make one request per half to ensure that they are not scheduled for any games during a period of up to seven days. Your request may be denied.
Requests should be submitted using the opt-out request form on the WRL website. This form will be available either directly from the homepage or on the Team Information page. You will receive an email confirmation of your request and your request will be viewable via the Opt-out tab on the Team Information page. If not, then your request was not received and will not be processed.
Opt-outs for the first half must be received by the first week of October. Opt-outs for the second half must be received by the beginning of December.
If your team is travelling, the Manager generally assists with travel arrangements such as acquiring group rates at hotels and securing a block of rooms for the families to book.
If travelling out of province, a request for travel permit must be completed and sent to;
Ringette Manitoba
145 Pacific Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2Z6
You must also email the SJRA Ice Scheduler with the dates of the tournaments you are entering so you are not assigned practice ice while your team is playing in a tournament.
Discuss with the Coach and parents how much your team wants to fundraise to offset costs of ice, tournaments, clothing, etc.
Anytime your team wants to sell any type of raffle tickets (ex. 50/50 tickets at home games (Percentage payout raffle), Grey Cup or Super Bowl tickets (Sport or event raffle), etc.) you must complete a Community raffle application which can be downloaded from the Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Authority of Manitoba (LGCA) website. Generally it takes LGCA 3 weeks to process an application.
SJRA Ice Scheduler will give you practice ice but depending on how often your Coach wants to practice, you may need to find more ice.
You are responsible to enter all events (practices) and games into RAMP Team. The game schedule will be posted on the Winnipeg Ringette League website around mid-October for the first half and mid-December for the second half.
SJRA provides each team with an account through RAMP Team. Once your team has been created, ensure your Coach or SJRA Registrar provides you with “Manager” rights so you can add events and games.
Ask the parents to update their player’s information on RAMP Team complete with parent’s cell phone numbers and email addresses.
Once everyone has updated their player’s profile, download the roster into Excel from RAMP Team. Print off this contact list and give to players, parents and Coaches.
Note any medical information you may need to be aware of (ex. allergies).
Order name bars for the game jerseys (2 per player, home & away). Check spelling with parents first before ordering.
Contact the Club Convenor for the following:
Team Jerseys - A deposit cheque maybe required from players, post-dated to the end of the season.
Goalie equipment
First Aid Kit - contact your Club Convenor should you require refilling of supplies within the first aid kit (snap freeze ice packs will need replacing once used). This first aid kit should be available at all practices and games.
Your Club Convenor is your go-to person for equipment. They will assist you or go to the SJRA Board on your behalf.
This can be arranged anytime throughout the year.
This should be arranged in the first half of the season so the players will be wearing for majority of ringette season. Discuss with the Coach and parents what apparel (if any) the team will go with. SJRA appeal will be available for purchase at the beginning of the season. Updates on order dates will be on the SJRA website.
Print the game schedule off the Winnipeg Ringette League website so that if there are any issues you have all your information handy.
You are given the exact number of game sheets for the season. It is a good idea to make a few clear photocopies of a blank game sheet. These will be acceptable if a game sheet is lost or if your opponent asks you if you have a spare because they forgot theirs.
The Manager or Coach completes the game sheets prior to games. It is suggested you create labels instead of writing out information on game sheets every time. You can easily create labels through
The home team provides the game sheet.
Tournaments provide their own game sheets.
The game number needs to be filled in and can be found on the WRL game schedule.
Players are to be listed in numerical order.
Goalies must be identified on the game sheet with a “G” beside their name.
Temporary players must be identified on the game sheet with a “TP” beside their name.
Each team will receive a copy of the game sheet after the game. In case of a tie, the home team takes over the duties of the winning team.
When your team wins a game, it is your responsibility to record the score of the game on the WRL website. You must also deliver the league copy (white copy) of the game sheet to your Loop Convenor.
Games scores must be posted to the website within 48 hours of the game.
Game sheets must be postmarked or emailed to the Loop Convener within 72 hours of the game.
Failure to meet these deadlines may result in transfer of points from winning to losing team.
Plan a wind-up.
Request that parents remove name bars, wash their player’s jerseys inside out on gentle cycle and hang dry. Collect jerseys to return to the club or association.
Communicate the team financial information to the team and return any remaining funds.
Close the team bank account.
2025 Manitoba High School Tournament
Canlan Sports, 1871 Ellice Ave